“Everything on this weblog is getting ready to be set out and I entrust some insights to the wider world. To you, dear reader who like me might be searching to find inspirations and guidance to live from in these tumultuous times. I shared about what is so deep and precious; my path in the intimate connection with the Cosmos and the Earth. Not because it is extra ordinary, but because it is special. Like everyone has a special way to walk the path of life. I have surrendered and I have done what I felt called to do.
Photography: Steppeland
When I started to write on weblog I had no idea why I did this and for whom. That was some years ago and it was a new. Words flowed like a quiet mountain stream. My hand did not rest. I wondered if this writing would have any benefit. My ego kept saying, “who needs it” and “will ever someone read this “? I knew I did not need to answer these questions. I obeyed and surrendered to the process. I knew that when I receive so much energy and joy in doing this, it is for a reason. I do not have to know the end result. If this is for the Greater Good, I will know it as the days go along”. (August, 2017) I will do it with no special purpose, but Love.
Hildegard (of Bingen) receiving insight and monk Volmar writing it all down. That is shown in this picture.
So here it is….I remember my sister and companion Hildegard: in her forties after sickness and troubles,she felt the call to write down what she had experienced and “seen”. She sits beside me now and whispers: “You have to do it”, like that moment about thirthy years ago when she gave me her mandala of the Cosmos. (See page My teachers…) I bow my head and say “Yes”. (August 13, 2017)
In The Green Spirit e-Newsletter (www.greenspirit.org.uk) I read this beautiful quotation, just after I wrote these lines. I often notice that when I take a step, there are signs of affirmation from a source much greater than myself and from what I can know. Words of the author James O’Dea .
“Your heart is not your own. Ownership is an attribute of mind. There is only one heart in the whole universe. It is the same heart experienced in different degrees by all life. A New Earth is possible when we drop into the freedom of our shared heart. But if we stay on the balcony of the mind we will only end up painting the same old wounds on a dark and crowded canvas of the future “. Are you going to share from your heart today? Then the shared heart will grow…
“Mysticism is the longing for love, for intimacy with all that is. That is nothing mysterious but a very real feeling and down to earth experience. It is the call to live a spiritual commitment in the midst of people, and in those last years I say in the midst of an Earth in Crisis, in the midst of joy and sufferings. And to live in solidarity with all the whole Earth community as is revealed every moment.” (September, 2013)
To move in the heart of the world, to move in the heart of the One ” (August, 2017).
W. Teasdeale, a monk who lived in the city of Chicago touches me by his words. I read them again today. “The Spirit called me into the world to live a spirituality of engagement with those who suffer, and that is all of us ( the community of life included, e.v.) . It includes kinship with other species and with nature as a whole within this vast cosmos, which is our real community and the context of our life on this fragile planet. I want to be in the bossom of God in the heart of the world.”From his book A Monk in the World ISBN 1-57731-181-7). He gave me this book when I met him in 2002 in Chicago, with his blessing for being a mystic in my heart and in the work in the world. He died about two years later. I will never forget our encounter and the beauty of sharing of his intimate relationship with God and with Creation. (September, 2017).
Many people in our time speak about mystical experiences, soul experiences. Deep connectedness with the Earth, the cosmos, with what happens in our time. I feel that it is difficult to speak about these experiences as being God – centered, which they are. That is the gift, to me and to the world…yes, amen” (September, 2013).
This morning I heard the words: “Take responsibility for you inner knowing, for what your heart knows. You were guided to come home in that deep place in yourself. It is your deepest foundation”(September , 2013).
“Just surrender without words, when your Friend says; come to Me. I will show my face. Now you want to be brought to sources of new life. We were nourished in secret from outside space and time. Therefore we always search for what is more”… (The Soul of Rumi) (June, 2014)
“Your own journey does not allow side tracks. Then you will loose your way in your own soul. Yet this happens to people, because they cannot tune in to their own journey. Real courage is needed to obey your soul, unconditionally. You do not need to fight your own uniqueness with affirmations and words of others. Interiorly, when you are in touch with your unique self, knows. You know that you are seen… (June, 2014).
” My call now: to pass on my insights, inner knowing. To speak without hesitation about the great things God has done in my life. Despite my fear because of the terrible happenings in our world at this time. To speak about hope and joy. To speak about the challenge never to loose grounding, to accept the call to eldership and take on spiritual ecological leadership (Covid time, 2020).
“I feel that in these last years, as the immensity of Cosmic life was opened to me in the intensity of the cry of the Earth / Creation and the wounding in her lifepower. I am in a very special way an ambassador for the Cosmos and the Earth. Yet I do not deserve to be chosen for this beautiful task” (August, 2015).
“Christ is the motivative force of the Universe, according to Teilhard de Chardin. Also in this phase of the Evolution. This I believe too. This force can be deeply at work in the center of my Being and in every person on this Planet, if we only allow it. If this force is given to all the people and all can know that power, then there is a great reason for hope that humanity can redirect its way of living on Earth” (August, 2015).
“If you want to care for our common home, the Earth and you want to participate in her healing do not let yourself be overwhelmed by all that happens at this moment in the world. Look deep into the soulpower, not only of individual humans, but of communities, religious movements, the power of the Earth herself. Always search for your own ground, the connection with your soul; there you find your connection with the Earth and all her life. Nurture the realization that you have been born in these times to serve the Earth in her great transformation process. Reconnect people with the joy and the bliss of the Earth and her life. Then you do not need to speak all the time about the present situation of the Earth and you will worry less. All of us will deepen our understanding of how special these times are”.
Somewhere on my way home, between The Philippines and The Netherlands, (early 2011).
To be an Earthkeeper
If you want to be an Earthkeeper, look to the world and to the Earth. Do it daily, do it with a deep look. Stop the analysis of what is going on. So many others do that work now. Go deeper. Go into your inner space. On Soul level you see the Earth, her secret. You feel the Earth, what she wants to reveal to you. She wants to speak to you about her becoming, her history, her dream and hope. Not I have a dream for the Earth, the Earth has her own dream and wants to share it with me. You will see her suffering in what her children do to her. If you look deep and long, you will discover that her becoming is in her own hands.
I have to let go again and again my sense of being too responsible and feeling burdened by my sense of duty to save her! She will save herself, if we are humble enough to hear her call and invitation.(2007)
Early morning, so soft and tender, so intense still. No words to describe this experience. I am clothed with the sacredness of Mother Earth. There are tears when I sense a deep love for the Earth and the whole creation.
In the evening; the clouds and the setting sun speak again about new dimensions…tomorrow she will rise again, and I feel secure. That is what shamans teach me. ( 2006)
NB. More reflections will be added…